I Cross My Heart


photo credit: equalparenting-bc.caThe magical evening was coming to an end.  It had been a wonderful night, full of laughter, and wonderful conversation.  Each of them sharing their hopes for the future. The decision was made, they would do whatever was needed to take this leap of faith.  They were soul mates, and the love was so strong that they knew they would be happy forever.   It was time for him to leave, and they stood face to face, both hating to part.  The music had been playing softly in the background during the candlelit dinner.  She knew he couldn’t stay, he needed to leave, but all she wanted was to remain safe in his arms forever.  The lighting  was dim, as a pair of candles burned softly in the room.  It seemed like it was just the two of them against the world.  As he turned to leave, something magical happened…a moment that she would remember forever…a moment that could never be repeated.  He held her protectively  in his arms, and they danced in the corner of the candle lit room, slowly moving to the song “I Cross My Heart”.  He whispered for  her to close her eyes and just move with the music.  She rested her head on his shoulder, and sighed as he quietly sang the words, sharing his feelings of love for her…..”Our love is unconditional,we knew it from the start….I see it in your eyes, you can feel it from my heart,  here on after, lets stay the way we are right now, and share all the love and laughter, that a lifetime will allow….I cross my heart, and promise too,  give all I’ve got to give, to make all your dream come true, in all the world, you’ll never find, a love as true as mine”…stopping to kiss her when he wasn’t singing.  Slowly they danced, willing the time to slow down,  savoring that moment of sharing what was to be the beginning of a wonderful life together…completely unaware that soon it would be nothing more than a memory…….

Authors confession: I have been reading quite a few romance novels lately…..so I thought I’d dabble in the fictional love story telling…see how it goes…♥