55 by 55 Week 5


photo credit: yogabenefitsinfo.com.

This is how I feel today…..this is how I felt yesterday….but I swear I will NOT feel this way tomorrow!  I was a bad bad girl this week, actually the last 3 days to be exact.  Therefore I graciously accepted the gain of 2 pounds this morning when I weighed in.  I can’t blame anyone but me…..and I realize that I am like an alcoholic when it comes to food.  Once I let my guard down and start eating “no no” foods, it as if something changes in my brain and I crave these foods.  I am way past the point that I would have called it quits in the past.  I would have just said “F*** it! I’m done!” and would have gorged myself with anything within an arms reach and crammed it into mouth.  Ohhhhhhh I get sooooo frustrated with my lack of self-control!  How in the world can some people decide to lose weight and POOF…the weight seems to melt off?  I am envious, that’s for sure 🙂

The way I look at it is that tomorrow is a new day, and a great day to begin again…..baby steps….baby steps…..baby steps….♥

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